Basic Safety Rules for SBKC

The following is a list of minimum guidelines which must be observed & promoted by all members of Silver Bridge Kayak Club.

This list is by no means exhaustive, other information on water safety is available from the Irish Canoe Union, the RNLI and from the Irish Water Safety Association.

The four basic safety principles are:-
1) You must be able to confidently swim at least 25 mtr in a river.
2) You must wear a Buoyancy Aid at all Times.
3) You must never paddle in a group of less than three people.
4) You must ensure that there is adequate buoyancy in your kayak.

Other recommendations include the following:-
1) You must wear the appropriate clothing and equipment for the weather conditions
i.e. suitable wet suit or dry clothing so as to keep you warm.
2) Bring a snack or a drink, you may get hungry or thirsty and a trip may last for longer than expected.
3) You must wear suitable safety equipment, as a minimum this includes the following:-
· A Safety Helmet in good condition and fitting properly.
· A Buoyancy Aid in good condition and fitting properly with the correct buoyancy for your size and weight.
· A wet suit or dry top & trouser.
· A suitable cag jacket.
· Canoe boots with protective soles.
4) You must arrange to have dry clothing to change into at the end of the trip.
5) Have a first aid kit with you and know how to use it.
6) You must wear your helmet (fastened) at all times while on the water and on the river bank.
7) You must not get on to the water until a competent senior paddler(s) is on the water and with your group.
8) You must remain within the group for the duration of the trip, never break away by yourself and make sure to notify your group immediately if you cannot keep up with them.
9) A group should not move faster than the slowest paddler.
10) Your boat should have suitable flotation, this could include air bags.
11) Always avoid trees, bushes and obstacles in which you could get snagged.
12) Operate a “Buddy System” and look out for each other.

Reading this list is not a substitute for proper safety training & taking responsibility for your own safety.

SBKC encourage all members to attend proficiency and safety courses organised by the club and other qualified organisations such as the Irish Canoe Union.

ALWAYS wear a buoyancy aid. Required by law!
Never paddle alone.